Sinopower Import&Export Co.,Ltd.
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     Our 28 years in the trading business have given us the know-how to deliver the rightservice and products to you .We have a stable supply chain enabling us to meet your sourcing needs for more than 30 series product. for example, gasoline and diesel engine, water pump, generator, air compressor, pressure washer, electric motor, brush cutter and more.
 In addition to providing aftersales support, our services also extend to doing QC. We send team members to factories to oversee the whole process, so you get exactly what you ordered.

       Buyers in over 40 countries in North and South America, Europe, the Middle East,Southeast Asia, Africa and other regions rely on us. You should, too. Call us today.

查看次数:5709 - 项目时间:2010-09-23 Sinopower Import&Export Co.,Ltd.
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