Ancient Art Co.,Ltd.
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    ANCIENT ART CO., LTD. is a professional oil painting manufacturer and exporter in Fujian Province, China. It mainly produces and exports handmade oil painting, mirror, frame and other home decorations & handcrafts.

    ANCIENT ART is good at modern and classical style of oil painting which is suitable for home, hotel, restaurant and office decoration. We could make all different styles of decorative paintings.

    ANCIENT ART also has rich experience in reproduction of masterpieces. It has different artists who are professional in making different masters’ reproduction, such as Bouguereau, Van Gogh, Monet, Picasso, Kandinsky, Klimt, etc. It could be 95% the same as the originals.

    Besides this, ANCIENT ART is also good at meseum quality human and animal portrait painting in realism, which could be used as gift to family, friend, business partner and others. Private order is acceptable for this item.

    Customers will feel comfortable and confident in cooperation with us because of our professional in this line.


查看次数:5554 - 项目时间:2010-09-23 Ancient Art Co.,Ltd.
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