Bestview International
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Bestview International is a leading manufacturer and importer, a three times MIA Pinnacle Award winner of natural stone products for both residential and commercial applications.

We specialize in high-grade granite,marble,onyx,travertine,slate and other materials in more than 100 different colors. We offer the most comprehensive lines in the natural stone industry, including floor and wall tiles,prefabricated and customized kitchen countertops,bathroom vanity sets,stone veneer shower walls and stone shower bases,stone vessels,mosaics in marble,glass,slate and stainless steel and their combinations.

This year we are proud to introduce a new line- Kitchen and Bathroom Cabinetry with the finest wood quality and superior craftsmanship.

With our state-of- the-art manufacture facilities, our goal is to provide our customers with high quality and extremely versatile products at the most competitive prices and the best service they deserve.

查看次数:5990 - 项目时间:2010-09-23 Bestview International
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