New Developing Home Products Co., Ltd.
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As a leading brand, Welbom has got the certifications of ISO9001>2000 Quality System in 2000, and ISO14001 Environmental Management and OHYSMS18001:2001 Healthy Safety System in 2004. Through many casual inspections by Technical Supervision Bureau, all indexes of Welbom products have reached or surpassed the national standard. Due to its high quality, the company has been awarded as “Contract-honoring & Promise-keeping” Unit by the Industry and Commerce Department, “China Famous Brand” and “China Well-known Brand” and its products has been granted as “China Design Golden Award for Kitchen Cabinet” by the National Federation of Industry and Commerce. Well-known Brand” and its products has been granted as “China Design Golden Award for Kitchen Commerce.
As a leading brand, Welbom has got the certifications of ISO9001>2000 Quality System in 2000, and ISO14001 Environmental Management and OHYSMS18001:2001 Healthy Safety System in 2004. Through many casual inspections by Technical Supervision Bureau, all indexes of Welbom products have reached or surpassed the national standard. Due to its high quality, the company has been awarded as “Contract-honoring & Promise-keeping” Unit by the Industry and Commerce Department, “China Famous Brand” and “China Well-known Brand” and its products has been granted as “China Design Golden Award for Kitchen Cabinet” by the National Federation of Industry and Commerce. Well-known Brand” and its products has been granted as “China Design Golden Award for Kitchen Commerce.

查看次数:6299 - 项目时间:2011-04-18 New Developing Home Products Co., Ltd.
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